Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Quiz

Av Sofia Boqvist - 7 november 2010 18:59

Janghwa Hongryeon jeon

This Korean folk-tale was a frightening ghost story that inspired movies such as A Tale Of Two Sisters and The Uninvited (a not-as-good American remake). The story is about two beautiful sisters whose father remarried an evil woman who abused them mercilessly. She did many cruel things, eventually leading to the girls being drowned in a pond. Their ghosts would appear later and kill every new mayor of the village, until one brave man saw a vision of them as ghosts. He avenged them by killing the stepmother.

WTF?? O.o

Av Sofia Boqvist - 7 november 2010 18:46

Narcissa Malfoy

Strong, determined, willful. People may view you as a pushover, but you most certainly are not. You like to fit in with the situation that best suits your survival. You never really go against anyone, and are with very few. Those you do let in are very dear to you and you would do anything to protect them, even if that meant climbing out of your comfort zone. You sometimes make the wrong decisions because you wish to be with those you care about, but in your minds eye, if if helps them it is the right thing

Av Sofia Boqvist - 7 november 2010 18:43

Capt. Jack Sparrow

like capt. jack you can be very tricky at times, you don't don't really care what people think about you and you will always go behind someones back to get what you want. BUT you can always devise a plan

Av Sofia Boqvist - 5 november 2010 13:24


You're the perfect person. You stay calm and stay focused. You are friends with everyone, and start no trouble. You are a great friend that everyone can rely on, and love.

Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards